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Rockabilly Fest 2001

Jackson, Tennessee – Rockabilly Fest 2001 will be held June 29, 30 and July 1 at Fairgrounds Park in Jackson, Tennessee. Those were the dates announced this week by Jackson promoter Henry Harrison.

Harrison added in the announcement, "Many of the artists who performed in last year’s festival will be returning to make their contributions to the International Rock-A-Billy Hall of Fame."

Many artists from last year have already done video segments that will be edited into a special video presentation during the 2001 festival. Live performances and artists have yet to be scheduled.

Harrison remains committed long-term to the Hall of Fame, though (as noted in other rockabillytennessee articles), the specific location has yet to be determined.

Information on the festival is available from Henry Harrison’s Concrete Productions, Inc., at 901-427-8521.

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